Sunday, July 18, 2010


Biographies are but clothes and buttons of the man- the biography of the man himself cannot be written. – Mark Twain

No two individuals are alike. Therefore, your life story is definitely different with mine. I am John Remar G. Añasco and I have been existing in this world for 17 years already. I was born on May 10, 1993 (which is an election day). My name John Remar was derived from the name of St. John and Re- from Ricardo and Mar-from Marivic. My father is Mr. Ricardo L. Añasco. HE is a hardworking type of a person who tries his best to sustain the needs of our family. Meanwhile, my best friend who is my mother is Mrs. Marvic G. Añasco. I consider her as my best friend because with her company, I am free to share my secrets and sentiments. That’s why; I have been considering my “Mama” as an inspiration to do good acts. I have two siblings, they are Jeramae Jay and Jude Mark.

One of the most challenging tasks as a son is to be a good student. Way back my Elementary years, from Grade I- Grade VI I have excelled academically. That’s why, when we had our commencement exercises, I was awarded as Second Honorable Mention, Best in Filipino, Best in Hekasi and Journalist of the Year. My High School sojourn was the greatest contributor to the betterment of the way I act, speak and think. During those precious years, I’ve met different types of teachers. Some had inspired me while others did not. My greatest achievement when I was in High School was when I marched as the Second Honorable Mention of our batch. I was so proud of myself for that achievement for among the fourteen sections in the Fourth Year level, I ranked fourth after the four grading periods. Aside from that, the best thing that ever happened in my High School journey was when I met my group, “The Juragistas”. And we believe that “Being a bitch is part of our charm”. We’ve shared lots of memories together. Some are just passing but most ideas made us laugh out loud. And that’s the primary reason why I consider my High School life as the most enjoying, brain twisting and worth remembering period in my life. It’s a piece that will be tattooed in my heart forever. And now, I am on my second year being an AB- Mass Communication student at Cagayan de Oro College. And fortunately, I was granted the Presidential Scholarship wherein I need to maintain a G.W.A of 1.75. I am a very determined learner so it won’t be that hard for me to maintain that grade. I am a good learner and will do all the work with responsibility, hard work and reliability.

At this very moment, you may be saying to yourself that you have any number of admirable qualities. You are a loyal friend, a caring person, someone who is smart, dependable and fun to be around. That’s wonderful, and I am happy for you, but let me ask you this: are you being any of those things to yourself?

I would like to describe myself as a very straight forward person who likes to take things on his stride in a very level headed manner. Life is quite exciting to me as it has galores of opportunities and experiences to offer and I feel one should always make the right use of it. I am adventurous by nature for I like to take up new challenges. It gives me the zeal and impetus to work towards excellence. One thing I firmly believe in is that one should always strive towards individual betterment, in whichever form it may be. Therefore I’m never tired of beginning where others end. The only single quality I don’t like about myself is my short attention span on events I do not enjoy. I am a listener and a responder but everyone knows when something is boring. Most things do not bore me often but there are some picky things that do not catch my eye. Learning something new definitely does not bore me a bit.

It’s indeed true that each day unfurls surprises and is naturally unprecedented. In my case, I am considering every single day as precious. Why? Because I believe that each day enables us to acquire more knowledge and leads us to get closer to reaching the pinnacles of our fields.

Friday, July 9, 2010


In this speech, I’ve introduced myself to my instructor and classmates. I’ve also shared three objects that represent my dreams and aspirations in life. I am hoping that you will spare your time to read my speech. Thank you!

Each day unfurls surprises and is naturally unprecedented. Today is just an ordinary day but today, we commence to gain more knowledge and get closer to reaching the pinnacles of my field. I am John Remar G. Añasco and it's my 2nd year being an AB- Mass Communication student.

Each of us has our own way to represent our dreams and aspirations in life. Well then, the first object that could represent my dedication to reaching my dreams and aspirations in life is a STAR.

Secondly, I know that I wouldn’t be able to reach that STAR without focussing well on my studies. That’s why the second object that’s in relation with the first one would be a BOOK (a book filled with knowledge).

And the last object and definitely not the least is the representation or it reminds us that we have God in our lives.And it's a CROSS.

The STAR represents the peak that I’m trying to reach it represents success. And reaching the pinnacles of our fields is everybody’s want. The BOOK symblolizes knowledge, and for us to be successful in the near future, we should get ample knowledge by exerting the best effort that we could give towards our studies. And most importantly, the CROSS reminds us the we have God in our lives. He will direct us in the right way and will guide us to be excellent in our studies.