Friday, November 11, 2011

Student :D

Student On the Go!
John Remar G. Añasco
“Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.”
“No two individuals are exactly alike”. The preceding statement reminds anyone that each person in this world is created by the supernatural with distinct characteristics. Given those distinctions, a person then has his/her ways on how he/she will spend his/her life productively. In a small institution like COC – PHINMA, anybody could then just easily recognize a person by his/her face or by name, because students usually meet in the canteens and corridors.
In school, there are two major classifications of students the passive and the active students. The passive students are the students who just come to school to attend classes, pass their assignments and projects, hang- out with friends and then go home.  On the contrary, active students are the ones who do more what a regular student does. These students are commonly scholars of an academe.
Talking about active students, one of the most active students of COC- PHINMA perhaps, is Chester John D. Pasco. Chester, as being called by his friends, finished his elementary education in Camp Evangelista Elementary School. Way back his elementary years, he considered himself as a person who has a number of dreams to pursue and ambitions to reach. A person with a vision, indeed. Moving on with his life, during high school, he considered this phase of his education crucial since he had been through a lot predicaments during this part of his life. It was during his third year when he was consigned to the second section far from being a consistent part of the cream of the crop. During fourth year, he was then back to the top. He then showed off his prowess in writing by being the Editor in Chief of his school publication. Luckily, in God’s will, Chester was granted the Presidential Scholarship during the second grading period. If it was given during the commencement exercises, he could have then not received it since he did not make it to the top during the final grading due to contentious reasons.
Moving on to his tertiary education, Chester’s first choice was to take up AB- Mass Communication but then he suddenly realized that he wanted to take up the course that will challenge him to take the board exam. So, he enrolled in the BSE- English program of COC- PHINMA. By nature, Chester is an active student. He cannot just let things pass by. As much as possible, he would really want to help. Later on, he was elected as the Vice Governor of the Education Student Body Organization. Then he applied for another position in the Student Publication of COC- PHINMA- the Oro Collegian. For two years now, Chester has become the Feature Editor of the Oro Collegian and hopefully, the next Editor- in- Chief. Meanwhile, he is still the college’s Vice Governor for two consecutive years as he was favored by most of the education students.
At present, Chester is now in his third year of being an education student. Every Saturday, he leads the Education Outreach in Macanhan as he believes that this serves as his stepping stone in finding his journey to becoming a successful teacher in the near future. He is also rendering free tutorials for those education students who are having difficulties in some of their Professional Education subjects.
Indeed, Chester John’s story proves that a student may serve two masters at the same time. Anybody may then excel academically while giving service to his co- students and to the community as well. A student just needs the determination and the drive to accomplish the things that he/she needs to do. Just like Chester, he does things with strength of mind and everything positive follows. I hope this article serves as an inspiration to other students.

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