Friday, July 9, 2010


In this speech, I’ve introduced myself to my instructor and classmates. I’ve also shared three objects that represent my dreams and aspirations in life. I am hoping that you will spare your time to read my speech. Thank you!

Each day unfurls surprises and is naturally unprecedented. Today is just an ordinary day but today, we commence to gain more knowledge and get closer to reaching the pinnacles of my field. I am John Remar G. Añasco and it's my 2nd year being an AB- Mass Communication student.

Each of us has our own way to represent our dreams and aspirations in life. Well then, the first object that could represent my dedication to reaching my dreams and aspirations in life is a STAR.

Secondly, I know that I wouldn’t be able to reach that STAR without focussing well on my studies. That’s why the second object that’s in relation with the first one would be a BOOK (a book filled with knowledge).

And the last object and definitely not the least is the representation or it reminds us that we have God in our lives.And it's a CROSS.

The STAR represents the peak that I’m trying to reach it represents success. And reaching the pinnacles of our fields is everybody’s want. The BOOK symblolizes knowledge, and for us to be successful in the near future, we should get ample knowledge by exerting the best effort that we could give towards our studies. And most importantly, the CROSS reminds us the we have God in our lives. He will direct us in the right way and will guide us to be excellent in our studies.

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