Wednesday, August 25, 2010


In every relationship, there should be trust between couples. A man should give his full trust to his woman and the woman should trust her man. Nowadays, it’s undeniable that many couples are experiencing marital problems maybe because a man searches for another woman and vice versa. I have never been into a serious relationship yet that’s why I am clueless why it happens. If someone enters into a serious relationship, he should be ready for commitment and being committed takes a lot of sacrifices. The story “The Small Key” tells someone that no relationship is perfect it is a matter of a couple handle a certain misunderstanding. Pedro forgave her wife not even thinking twice. For me, that’s the essence of love, being ready to forgive and forget just to save the relationship.

The story “The Small Key” was written by Paz Latorena. Personally, at first, I did not appreciate the story because its ending was vague I mean it did not give a clear ending. But after the discussions, I was then able to get its central theme which is TRUST. As human beings, we cannot escape from being tempted by the things around us. Being tempted can possibly be abstained if and only someone resists the temptation. As a social being, I have been observing the things that are happening in the society most especially to the teenage society. As being noticed, many teenagers are gauging into a boy- girl relationship and mostly if not all did not last long. So I can say that if someone plans to be in a relationship, he should not be in a rush. Everything has its perfect timing. Someone should prioritize his priorities first. Prioritizing priorities means someone is ready to reach the pinnacles if his field.

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond. So hold the hand of the person who will never release your hand rather than the person you love. A very nice adage that reminds someone on the importance if trust in every relationship. Love is indeed just a four letter word that is so easy to say, so easy to spell but so hard to understand.